Berlin, Germany
May 3rd, 1940
Associated Press

Today, following his signing of NB201, German leader Adolph Hitler promised an end to his government's relocation and reeducation camps for Jewish people saying "Let there be no doubt, this piece of legislation must mark an end to the old way of doing business, and the beginning of a new era of responsibility and accountability,"

The legislation, passed overwhelmingly by the Nazi Party and signed into law by Mr. Hitler at 9 am, ordered the execution of approximately 3.8 million people currently in relocation camps while extending the funding for the search for additional Jews for another 10 years.

Adolph Hitler ran for office under a campaign of Hope and Change as well as a call to nationalism. His campaign drew sharp criticism from many business owners including Jewish Doctors and Lawyers that feared the nationalization of the German Health Care System as well as the indoctrination of the youth in Nazi led 'Community Organizations' would damage the economy. The Nazi Party unleashed a barrage of attacks led by Hitler spokesman Joesph Goebbels and a campaign - including billboards - lambasting anyone that spoke out against the rightfully elected leader.