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Thread: Vins App

  1. #1

    Vins App

    Your "Real Life" Age and Occupation:38 Laborer

    Availabilty for Raids: weeknights

    Past guilds, and why you left each: KOD RIP...Want a regular 25 man raid every week. Tired of pugs

    Past Raid Experience: MC/Kara/Naxx

    Interest: (Hard Core Raiding/Regular Raiding/Social Raiding/PVP)Regular/Social

    How long have you been playing? (/played) Played wow since Beta

    Your email address:

    Tell us about your raiding main: First toon I rolled

    Character Name: Vinman


    Raid Spec: Duel spec fury / prot

    Link to the WOW Armory:


    Alts if any: 3 80's all with epic flyers, 70 and several others lower lvl toons

    What are your professions? Are there any notable/exciting craftables that you can make? Alchemist/Herb.... Max cooking/fishing

    What mods do you currently have installed?too many

    Do you have ventrillo installed?Yes

    Do you have a working microphone and know how to use it?yes

    IMPORTANT - What is your favorite non-combat pet? Zergling

    Miscellaneous - and probably most important section of all:

    Why do you want to join the August Knights? Seem like mature aldults, do not like the raids with a bunch of immature people.

    Do you know any current August Knights members who would be willing to vouch for you?

    If you could have one "final meal" on earth, what would it be? Jimbo Jumbo's Italian steak sandwich

    What are the last three books you read, and what did you think of each? LOTR trilogy

    What is your all-time favorite movie, and why? Saving Private Ryan...reminds me of my Grandfather

    Paper or Plastic? Plastic

    Diamond Dave or Sammy?

    Kirk or Picard? Why?

  2. #2
    August Knights [AK]Swae's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Already invited.

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