Tell us about you:

Your "Real Life" Age and Occupation:
I'm 30 years old and a Defense Contractor for Army Space and Missile Defense Command. Spent 8 years in the Marine Corps doing multiple jobs from infantry to Command and Control. Got out of the service and now am in IT support for the Army.

Availability for Raids:
I am available week days and some weekends but most of my weekends are spent out of the house.

Past guilds, and why you left each:
Honorbound, founding member and officer - the guild disband but technically I'm still a member for the guild vault and its 4 tabs. one of my lowbie alts is still in it.

Allegiance Reborn, (AKA Honorbound 2) Founding member and officer - started getting too many immature people in the guild and drove most of the officers away and then the leadership started to fail. It became a me me me guild vice an us, not what I want to spend my free time around.

Past Raid Experience:
I have raided everything from pre-BC up minus ToGC 10/25 (Pugging that does not work). I have raid led a lot in the past and know the dynamics of 90% of the fights.

Interest: (Hard Core Raiding/Regular Raiding/Social Raiding/PVP)
Regular raiding and some PVP.

How long have you been playing? (/played)
This game since it's release. MMO type games since Baulder's Gate (minus the online part)

Your email address:

Tell us about your raiding main:
Well my raiding main ATM is my hunter. I duel speced him marks/surv b/c some fights are better for other specs. However, i would say I'm marks 90% of the time. Having said that I have a geared druid resto/feral that if needed I could make a main. Kind of whatever the guild needs.

Character Name:
Main - Arelan hunter
450 LW with a bunch of Ulduar 25 patterns and a couple of ToC/Herb


Chestysback - Druid - resto/kitty dps
450 Alchemy/Inscription

Therlm - Rogue - combat spec
450 enchanting/skinning a bunch of end game patterns, most BC and a few pre-bc

Therlmsux (ask me I'll tell you the story behind the name) - DK - Blood DPS
450 JC/miner

Tacomuncher, what can I say, I like tacos! (currently 71 but I will be 80 very soon) - Pally - Tank/holy @ 80
400+ BS/miner

What mods do you currently have installed?
sexymap - because it IS sexy!! lol
Dominos - mostly for my hunter and Pally

Do you have ventrillo installed?

Do you have a working microphone and know how to use it?

IMPORTANT - What is your favorite non-combat pet?
Phoenix from Heroic MgT

Miscellaneous - and probably most important section of all:

Why do you want to join the August Knights?
I ran a TOC 25 last night and was very impressed that people kept their cool and continued to worked together even though there were a few wipes, that is uncommon for a PUG but most of you were guildies. I like the maturity of the members I have spoken with thus far and would thoroughly enjoy being a part of that.

Do you know any current August Knights members who would be willing to vouch for you?
I talk with Kimi ( I hope I got that right - Shammy from the ToC last night) last night about joining and I know Juura (live-in maid/ girlfriend (lol, j/k baby) and Parramora have already applied.

If you could have one "final meal" on earth, what would it be?
Appetizer - Fresh sushi from Japan – probably yellow fin tuna and Unagi
Main course – fresh killed deer or elk tender loins with butter and onions /drool
Dessert – ben and Jerry’s Mint chocolate chip ice cream
Post meal – Johnny Walker blue label and a Romeo and Juliet #8 – leave the bottle please LOL

What are the last three books you read, and what did you think of each?
The Dangerous days of Daniel X by James Patterson and then the sequel. Almost all Patterson is good!
The other was a text book on how to operate the KG-175d encryption device. Boring at best.

What is your all-time favorite movie, and why?
Star Wars – this does not need a way just a simple 3263827 (yes I actually remember that number for some reason)

Paper or Plastic?
Plastic, multiple uses.

Diamond Dave or Sammy?

Kirk or Picard? Why?
Tough one but I would have to go with Picard since I grew up on The Next Generation.

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