Not sure if I totally agree with you on that Hylander - you do kinda come across as a hater!

I think the new iPhone looks pretty cool. From all reviews, if you want the best today, it's really down to the EVO vs iPhone. The Incredible looks pretty good too, but most reviews and specs put the EVO pretty far ahead of the Incredible. As I see it - between the iPhone 4 and the EVO, it comes down to style as much as anything. The iPhone 4 is appealing to the user who wants a small package that's just easy to use - but still does damn near everything. An appealing combination.

The EVO looks to appeal to more of a power user who wants power and flexibility (with the biggest screen you can find). An appealing combination.

I don't think either is a bad choice. I think for a non-power user who doesn't like to tinker, the EVO will be a difficult experience.

Here's what I don't like about the iPhone - and do about the EVO:
-iPhone still on AT&T. That's a big one. AT&T drops calls a lot and has terrible coverage in my area. That's a big deal. Hopefully the new iPhone antennae design will improve that - we'll see.

-iPhone has a small screen. Not really a total negative, it's part of it being a smaller package. But there's still a lot of unilluminated surface on the phone.

-Video chat - requires the other user to have an iPhone 4 too?? Useless to me then. Only works on wifi? (which makes sense I suppose being on AT&T - I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I mean it).

-iTunes. It just never sits right with me that there is one and only one program that can interface with my phone. I have always preferred a more manual interface. And I always preferred the winamp music player interface, especially with the ability to enqueue music on the fly.

-The sealed battery and memory are a non-issue. I never swap batteries on the fly, and you buy a phone with enough memory that it doesn't matter. That, and by doing it this way, the unit is better sealed against the elements. So I actually prefer Apples philosophy on this.

-iAds. I'm having a hard time getting excited as an end user over a better way for me to be spammed.

-Turn-by-Turn directions: The evo comes basically with a built in turn-by-turn voice Garmin. The iPhone does not.

-The iPhone battery life sounds a lot better. But I think a lot of the EVO complaints come from the fact that it's easy to leave applications running in the background and not know it. I was on the bus with a guy with a shiny new EVO on Sunday, and he said the Battery life was TERRIBLE. So I asked to look at it, and saw he had about 20 apps running in the background, including his GPS. Leave that GPS on, and yea, your battery is going to die. We'll see, even with that, it sounds like the iPhone is going to last a lot longer than an EVO, which certainly has value.

Will I buy an iPhone 4: I think I'd be a very happy user if I did - it's fast, it's small, it works great, it's easy. The new retina screen sounds spiffy - though I get the feeling it's like comparing a 32" 1080P to a 50" 720P TV when comparing it to the EVO. If AT&T were reliable in my area, I quite probably would buy the iPhone 4. But AT&T has been a massive letdown, and that alone is cause enough for me to switch. Every review of EVO indicates that it's as good as the new iPhone, and in a lot of ways, actually better.