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Thread: Who are you?

  1. #1
    August Knights
    Assistant Recruiter

    [AK]Clay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Who are you?

    This thread is started to allow folks to introduce themselves. It is a way for the rest of us [AK], particularly the ones who aren't in your game, to know who you are when you make a post on these forums.

    My name is [AK]Clay. I play a Paladin (Garand) and Rogue (Kalishnakity) in Wow. I joined AK about 3-4 years ago during the height of the Desert Combat craze. I loved playing DC, and hate the pay-to-play game philosophy of games like WoW I refused to participate, until a friend sent me the game and payed for my first month too.

    I'm 35 years old, live in Wisconsin, work as a research engineer. When not on-line I'm watching movies, reading, or engaging in recrational shooting. I'm married to beaker, and am a lucky guy for it.

    I'll post a picture later.
    [insert signature text here]

  2. #2

    August Knights
    Chief Recruiter

    [AK]Abaddon's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    San Antonio, TX
    My name is John. I'm 36 years old, married for the last 3 years, and live in a suburb of San Antonio, Texas.

    I'm currently an editor for a company that develops standardized tests. Before that job, I was in newspapers for about 7 years as an editor and reporter.

    I've been with AK since its inception back in 1998. My hobbies include computers, riflery and hiking. Until WoW, I had never played an MMORPG, and was completely opposed to the concept of pay for play. Once I got hooked, I bought a copy of the game and sent it to Clay as a "gift." :-)
    Last edited by [AK]Abaddon; 02-20-2007 at 05:29 PM. Reason: just because

  3. #3
    Senior Knight [AK]Nuts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    San Francisco, California
    Okay, I'll play too...

    With [AK]FightClub, I'm a BF holdout and just can't spend enough time playing WoW to build-up a character or learn how to play a bought one. Hence, you'll usually find me play BF2:Special Forces and constantly harassing Kidd, Clay and Camelwalk for being a bunch of WoW-playing girlie-men. I'm hoping that Quake or another new FPS game will lure you pansies out of your mom's basements and back onto the battlefield.

    With a 2 year old son, Nuts Jr and and Lily-bug, our 8 month old daughter, my wife and I are pretty busy. I live outside of San Francisco and am one of only 3 known conservatives to exist in the state; I've been tagged and allowed to roam while being monitored via electronic bracelet.

    As the 'saltiest sailor in AK' I now work for an evil, war-mongering oil company and hope that you always keep a full gas tank and not buy into any of that 'Hybrid' crap. SUV's are #1!!!!! Buy 2!

    On a personal note, I'll be getting a vasectomy soon, so maybe, just maybe, I'll be good enough to start playing WoW. Collecting flowers for thirteen hours to buy a patch of silk cloth? Pansies the whole lot you!

    [AK]Nuts McKrackin'
    soon to be [AK]Balls McAchin'

  4. #4
    August Knights [AK]FiGHT*CLuB's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    HAHAHA Nuts, I sooooo could not have said it as good as you put it!!!!! Man I needed a good laugh tonight, Thanks.

    My name is Mike and I live in Reno, NV. I work for Union Pacific Railroad as a Yard Master (air traffic controller type but for trains). I also am a veteran bouncer at most of the nightclubs around Reno.
    My wife and I just recently had twin boys who are almost 4 months old now. Just like nuts said, I am pretty busy most of the time now. But hay, at least I still got my Nuts ...

    I have been with AK for just over three years now and they are a great bunch of guys!

    I tried Wow and it did absolutely nothing for me. I am a fps type of gamer die hard. I WILL NOT PAY a monthly fee to play games. Price of the games and Internet costs are high enough.

    I also am big time into BF2 special forces and a few other BF2 mods. No silk cloths for this man!!!

    Riding Harley's on weekends has been slow but I still love going fast.

    If you guys ever feel like letting loose of your toons nipples and playing some real action games, Nuts and myself would love to have some easy kills. Join us any time..

    Some pics on my myspace page.
    If you have ever been thrown out on your head at a night club in Reno, I ain't sorry but I would still love to game with ya.

    Last edited by [AK]FiGHT*CLuB; 02-20-2007 at 11:36 PM.

  5. #5
    "I sharded Thunderfury!" [AK]Camelwalk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sunset Beach CA
    30ish, 1 kid and 1 on the way, known as camel! Use to play alot of BF DC back in the day of ladder play with AK. I really didnt like BF2 and became a wow junkie. I live in Vegas, gamble, and work in medical supplies.......Stop smoking cigs on the 1stof Jan, and cant spell worth a dam! I did shard Thunderfury and all I got was dream dust! Top 3 things I miss since my WOW departure, return, and leave again......

    -Messing with Kidd
    -Messing with Kidd
    -WHOS NUTS AND Abaddon


  6. #6
    August Knights
    Undersecretary of War

    Long Live Reaganomics!
    [AK]Hylander's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Bethlehem, PA
    I just posted this on the Guild forum the other day, so here it is again:

    My name is Scott, and I was a recovered WoW addict who fell off the wagon. (Well, I was actually pushed off by Gunny and Stitch... but we'll save that for another day.). I stopped playing for about a year and a half and then started playing again shortly before Christmas last year. I was the original AK "King of Aggro".

    I'll have been married to my wife, Cheryl, for 10 years come May. I live in Bethlehem, PA and I just turned 36 in January. I'm the AVP of Administration for a Credit Union in NJ and have been employed there for 11 years now. My wife and I have no children, but have two spoiled attitudinal cats.

    My hobbies include automobiles, motor sports, Football, and computers/gadgets/technology. I'm a life long Seattle Seahawks fan (Don't ask, but it's how I met Squidly years ago and became an August Knight) and I enjoy many different forms of auto racing. I took up photography last summer when I purchased my first digital SLR and started attending vintage auto racing events and the NY International Auto Show. ( is my "hobby" site).
    "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill

    --- | Husted Visuals | The Racing Historian

  7. #7
    Accept no substitutes. [AK]Bribo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Albany, NY
    I'm Bribo.

    I guess I'm considered an AK old timer. Joined up way back when AK was playing Tribes 2. We then moved on the BF1942. Played in the Team Warfare league and did pretty darn well.

    Now I'm into WoW and play as Plugh and Mite. My son Joe also plays as Ailennis.

    I enjoy backpacking, hiking, camping and running. I'm involved with the Boy Scouts and am an Assistant Scoutmaster.

    In addition to Joe I have a daughter and a wonderful wife. We live in upstate NY.

    If you were a zombie and I had to kill you, I'd feel sad.

  8. #8
    Who is Nuts and Abbadon? [AK]StitchJones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Ballston Spa NY
    I am the one and only Stitch Jones! a.k.a. Albert. Love me or hate me, after you've had a dose of me, i'm hard to forget

    I am a father of two boys 7 and 6. I have an amazing wife of 8 years now who still hasn't put me out to the pasture or found a way to do me in I am a technical project engineer for Bank of America. I have been with the bank for over 6 years now. Before that I was a technical support person for IBM and before that a corporate salesman for CompUSA (before they sucked)
    I was made aware of AK through Bribo back in 2002. GunnyHighway, Rocks, Choozoo and I were part of the much famed [HBR] clan prior to that. Prior to HBR I was known as FactorFear, where I competed in UT and Quake2 with various groups off and on before planting a firm foot with HBR.

    With the release of BF1942 and the growing interest in wanting to compete, joining the ranks of AK just felt right. And what a great couple of years it has been. I have made some great friends, had a few tiffs, and have been involved with some of the more light-hearted moments in the guild. With my nickname [TK], being the first person in Planet-Side to flip a vechicle while driving straight on a bridge. Running Squidly and Abbadon down with a Jeep more then once (by accident) and the often mentioned 'Stuck behind the tablet in sunken temple' I would hope that with alot of laughes being at my own expense have provided smiles to the masses.
    I also live in Upstate NY, and my hobbies include Yoga, Guitar, Movies, and of course Video Games. I also record podcasts for the XBOX360 group.

    I can also be found on myspace at\stitchjones696

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hey all. I know that I am not officially [AK] but if you play WoW or have read the WoW forum at all, you probably know who I am. I am Vaxschulah…you can call me Vax. I have been a long time gamer starting out playing Donkey Kong as a kid and later pen and paper RPGs in high school. I started playing PC games back in college with Gunship 2000 on my roommate’s computer and got my first PC around junior year. After that it has been any number of games like D00M, Quake, Hexen, Unreal Tournament, Mechwarrior, Diablo, Diablo II, Half Life, and Warcraft II. I always figured that I would never pay to play but when I met my wife in 2004, she got me started on Ultima Online. I played that for 2 years until a real life friend got me into WoW. I started out in WoW in a guild called The Inebriati. In November of 2005, the Inebriati embarked on a joint effort to conquer our first 40 person dungeon, Molten Core, and that is where I met the August Knights. In February of 2006, core members of the Inebriati left WoW to play Dungeons and Dragons Online, yet I stayed and joined the August Knight’s WoW guild. Later that year, I began leading our Molten Core raid and started a new Blackwing Lair raid. My WoW characters include Vaxschulah (70 Druid), Myrline (61 Mage), Bolivar (60 Hunter), and numerous others.

    Outside of WoW, I am 33 years old and live near Madison Wisconsin. I am married with 2 kids. I am currently working as a Business Analyst contracted with the State of Wisconsin to develop a new online system to run the State Medicaid program. I enjoy many hobbies including home improvement, walking the dog, watching movies, Pen and Paper RPG (currently Star Wars D20), reading (currently G.R.R. Martin “A Feast For Crows”), PC Games, PS2 Games, HALO (the only decent game on X-Box), Hunting (though I don’t get much of a chance), SCUBA, 4-wheeling, camping, and hiking. There is just never enough time to do all that I want to do.

  10. #10
    August Knights [AK]Brorlis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Memphis, TN
    Again from my previous post in the Guild Forums.....

    My names Tim and I'm 29 soon the be the big 30. I live in Memphis,TN and work as a programmer in the point of sale industry and as a full time father of 2 beautiful daughters ages 9 and 5. My hobbies are typical of my upbringing. Mud slingin, 4 wheelin, camping, fishing, hunting, boating and Nascar. If it involves the outdoors I'm into it. I can be "outspoken" at times and a bit hot tempered to say the least.

    Beside the casual FPS I loaded and played in my spare time, Wow is my first Online game and I have Bojans brother to blame for it. We started out as a small 5 person guild and ran to 60 alone. We meet the AK guys in the joint MC raid for the first time and have had a blast with you guys since.

    And Oh NuTs......I have BF2 loaded and have been begging to hook up with one of you "vets" to learn how the thing works =) Maybe I'll find you one night and get schooled [AK] Style

  11. #11
    August Knights
    Chief Operations Officer

    "This place is like someone's memory of a town, and the memory is fading. "
    [AK]Squidly's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Burlington, NJ
    Bill. 42 in September. Married for 14 years, with a 5 year old daughter. I work for a large consumer products manufacturer, in IT. Workflow and Document Management. I'm a Seahawks and Mets fan. Rangers and Knicks when they don't suck. I run a Seahawks related website that was recently written up in Sports Illustrated (yay me.) I live in Southern NJ. I enjoy Paintball, Scuba Diving, collecting expensive electronic gadgets, and cooking. I've been known to drink Scotch, Bourbon, and a wide variety of beer. Joined AK back during Tribes 2, stayed for the perks in the teacher's lounge. Currently devoting most of my online time to World of Warcraft - as are most of you. My "toons" are Squidly, Mimi, Diegomontoya, Dawill, and McSlappy. I eagerly anticipate running Stitch's next lowbie through Uldaman. I collect DVDs, and have over 500 of them.

  12. #12
    August Knights
    Chief Executive Officer

    [AK]Palooka's Avatar
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    Sep 2000
    Reno, NV
    I am Palooka (AKA Jeff), the 29 year-old co-founder of the August Knights. My first online gaming experience was in Interstate '76 back in my sophomore year of college. Since then, I've played every major game that AK has been involved in, and I am proud that--nearly ten years after its inception--AK is still going strong.

    I work as a Linux system administrator and programmer for a small software company in Reno. I also run a hosting and IT consulting business on the side. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (literary classics, history, religion, politics, etc.), listening to music (classical, opera, jazz, blues, and some rock), messing with computers, watching MLB games, and engaging in outdoor activities, such as skiing, hiking, and SCUBA. I am not an Assistant Scout Master like the illustrious Bribo, but I am an Eagle Scout. Finally, I am single and available desperate.

    WoW characters: Murzig, Burwell, Goneril, Larrylaffer

  13. #13
    Accept no substitutes. [AK]Bribo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Albany, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by [AK]Palooka View Post
    I am not an Assistant Scout Master like the illustrious Bribo, but I am an Eagle Scout.
    </scout salute>

    If you were a zombie and I had to kill you, I'd feel sad.

  14. #14
    August Knights
    Chief Operations Officer

    "This place is like someone's memory of a town, and the memory is fading. "
    [AK]Squidly's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Burlington, NJ
    I made it to "Life Scout" before my family moved us overseas. BTW, Squid-Triva time - Bribo was my college roommate. Strange but true.

  15. #15
    August Knights [AK]Swae's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Ok, time to inject some estrogen into this thread. =)

    My name is Lindsay, and I've been running with the AK WoW guys for about 9 months. I picked up WoW at the insistance of a few friends (Kat aka Etaoin mainly) about a year ago, and met the wonderful August Knights through my former guild, Vae Victus, and later joined AK. My main toon is Swae, a 70 paladin, but I also have Eivi, Nkita, and Ripleey (I name my toons after cool female movie characters).

    I'm 28 years old and live in Baton Rouge, LA. I currently work as a scientist with URS Corp doing environmental consulting work. I hope to make a career change soon and get a position as a forensic DNA analyst. I am a HUGE LSU football fan, I love visits to New Orleans (lived there during grad school and I really miss it!), and I am involved in animal rescue work. I have 2 beautiful fur-children named Ike and Nila (who are dobermans). I enjoy playing Texas Hold'em, and played with the Louisiana Poker Tour for 2 seasons. I also have a weakness for bourbon, red wine, horror movies, Stephen King, Suduko, celebrity gossip, and sports cars. Since other people posted their myspace, I can also be found at

    WoW is my first MMORPG, and really my first online game. I've always had a weakness for games of all types, and still bust out my Sega Master System every once in a while. =) I have had an absolute blast playing WoW and meeting all my wonderful AK friends, and I look forward to meeting more of ya'll!


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